Computer aided design software.
TinyCAD (

This is the open source CAD application that caters to printed circuit board (PCB) design this is useful to students and engineers from the departments of electrical and electronics engineering. It is available for both Linux and windows.
Other link for engineers to exploit open source software visit. ( and for other electronics design automation tools visit
tinyCAD image
Open source for project management.
Openproj (

It is an open source project management tool for all kind of operating system from windows to Linux. It comes to challenge the Microsoft project tool the user interface is nice and easy to use. It allows you to link the activities and give you the access to all the details of the projects. There some charts and histograms for progress project progress.
Other tool can be downloaded at ( but must be run from the server.
Open source for Developers.
Integrated developer environment

Eclipse ( it is an open source IDE we can be used to create applications using languages such as Java C/C++, PHP but the effort has been put on Java it will run on any system containing Java run time Environment (JRE) .Another popular open source Java IDE is netbeans.
Open source for design professionals.
Sweet home 3D

it is an open source application which it is aimed at interior designing .The application is available for Linux and windows and requires JRE 5 to run.
It has some preference to some graphics cards. The application can import other 3D models of objects created in other applications some models are available on the site for download.
TinyCAD (

This is the open source CAD application that caters to printed circuit board (PCB) design this is useful to students and engineers from the departments of electrical and electronics engineering. It is available for both Linux and windows.
Other link for engineers to exploit open source software visit. ( and for other electronics design automation tools visit
tinyCAD image
Open source for project management.
Openproj (

It is an open source project management tool for all kind of operating system from windows to Linux. It comes to challenge the Microsoft project tool the user interface is nice and easy to use. It allows you to link the activities and give you the access to all the details of the projects. There some charts and histograms for progress project progress.
Other tool can be downloaded at ( but must be run from the server.
Open source for Developers.
Integrated developer environment

Eclipse ( it is an open source IDE we can be used to create applications using languages such as Java C/C++, PHP but the effort has been put on Java it will run on any system containing Java run time Environment (JRE) .Another popular open source Java IDE is netbeans.
Open source for design professionals.
Sweet home 3D

it is an open source application which it is aimed at interior designing .The application is available for Linux and windows and requires JRE 5 to run.
It has some preference to some graphics cards. The application can import other 3D models of objects created in other applications some models are available on the site for download.